Name: Samuel Yudhistira
Place/Birth: Jakarta, January 5th 1992
Occupation: College Student
Address: Harapan Indah, Nusa Indah Street 13th block MZ number 19, West Bekasi, West Java
Postal Code: 17131
Hobby(s): music, reading book, travelling
I was born in Jakarta January 5th 1992, the second birth from 3 children and the only boy child among my sisters. At the age of 5 I first went to kindergarten not far from my house. I spent about a year before advanced into the elementary school still in my house range. Until the junior high I still went into the same school until my high school time I decided to get into the public school in Jakarta. And finally the SMAN 5 Jakarta became my school where I studied.
After I graduated from my high school in 2010 I got into Gunadarma University majoring in economy because I think this major is never died everybody needs money to live their life. That's why I want to learn about how to manage financial in every situation whether it's crisis or not.
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