Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

PI Experience

I was wrote my Penulisan Ilmiah in the 6th semester. It was a though and hard task to do but finally I can overcome the problem. My lecturer was Mr. Hadir Hudiyanto. I wrote about “Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Terhadap Bisnis Lele Rumahan di Wilayah Bekasi. I studied about how the cat-fish for  consume business can be survive and compete with other type of fish or other competitor. Why do I choose the topic? Because people in Indonesia love food, and cat-fish is one of the most popular fish to consume in Indonesia, there are so many restaurant that have a cat-fish basic dish as their main course.
From the fact in field I decided to wrote about the catfish farming business. I found a fishing farm at harapan indah, Bekasi and met with Mr. Juliandi the owner of the fish farm and talked about his business. When did the business start, how, and why did he choose catfish as his prime fish.
He said that this business is like a “hidden jewel”. Many people under estimate catfish at the first time and choose not to breed catfish but other fishes which are more compatible and more wealthy in money.
But, the fact is totally different, the income from breeding the catfish is bigger. It’s an easy business but if you can’t manage it right it could be very dangerous said Mr. Juliandi who had known as a catfish breeder for more than 10 years. He struggles against people’s thoughts and many other problems like the decreasing of catfish price in the market or disease.
I started to think about it as my PI’s object. So I decided to collect the things about catfish breeding from books or interviewed Mr. Juliandi straight at his farm. And I used so many patterns about Studi Kelayakan Bisnis from books or the internet and counting and decided about Mr. Juliandi’s business. Is this business worthy or worthless to continued. I used so many patterns from economical and Mr. Hadir was also guiding me about how to wrote about Studi Kelayakan Bisnis. Need a high effort to collect the form from Mr Juliandi and also from the second source like the internet or books.
I needed about 4-5 months to make it done, and so many problems and need a really great effort to make it done. I ride from Bekasi to Depok to met Mr. Hadir for guiding. Against the heat,traffic jam, and also rain just to met Mr. Hadir but for me it’s a very unforgettable moment that I should remember until the day I gradute.
Finally the final exam comes. At 22nd of August my Penulisan Ilmiah finally needed to be judged. There are 3 judging teachers that would gave me judgement about my Penulisan Ilmiah. They are Mr. Supiani, Mr. Julius, and one woman who was wearing that I forgot the name.
It was a very nervous moment, my clothes full with sweat, my heart beat like a drum rolls. Luckily my preparation was done delightfully. My paper, my screen paper was also done, thanks for the help of all my friends I could done it.
But the struggling is had not done yet. The paper must be repaired and Mr. Julius is the one who had responsibility to it. I had to met him twice before I got the accepted paper, it was a very devastating time for me because I still made some mistakes on my paper.
After I got the sign from Mr. Julius I could made the hard cover for my papers. 150 pages less or more with the revision from Mr. Julius I finally made it. I also remembered the night before judgment me and my friend Agung Permadi that helped me with the paper,screen,and also the simulation of judgment that made me confidence for my judgement the next day.
But still I had to go to Depok for another signs for Mrs. Veti and Mr. Iman which are the head teacher for economical study University of Gunadarma. And still I got rejection letter because of the mistyping the name of Mr. Iman.
To get the certificate I need to get the sign of them both and also report my paper and my judge resume to internet to the campus library.
It was a hard time and also a learning for my life experience.

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